People. Process. Practice. In That Order.

Six Sigma Beyond CPA Compliance

INTRO – CPA and Professional Services are aware of the significance of getting their practice in place with the teachings of Lean Six Sigma. While this is highly recommended, firms tend to overlook other key organizational areas – which are operationally manual and function in silos – that can benefit by embracing the learnings of the technique. 

Technology, as always, has been an enabler to automate and steer businesses in the CPA and Accounting space towards better, faster and result-oriented ways. Professionals have easily adapted to software and solutions that helps them deliver their core client accounting, taxation and auditing services – and taking to Lean Six Sigma, while at it.

With a primary focus on providing exceptional services, firms lose sight of back-office, operational, administrative, marketing, customer acquisition and people-oriented processes that need equal attention for the success of the core services.

In a recent article, 5 Ways to Leverage Lean Beyond Compliance, Boomer Consultant Amanda Wilke, cites the importance of leveraging Lean on behind-the-scenes tasks such as billing, employee onboarding, client onboarding and more.

Business Process Management or Workflow Management for CPAs offers firms with the capability to plug and play point apps that automate these behind-the-scene tasks with ease. Some key areas that BPM can help your firms with automation are:

1. Client Onboarding
2. Talent Acquisition
3. Employee Onboarding/Offboarding
4. Accounts Payable
5. Expense Reimbursement
6. Vendor Management
7. IT Service Management

Censof offers BPM apps that fit the specific needs of CPA and Professional Services firms. Censof’s BPM apps easily integrate with any in-house software by the means of custom APIs. The technology experts at Censof can help you leverage the power of automation to enhance and digitize your back-office workflows.

Are you exploring ways to incorporate Six Sigma into operational tasks? BPM can help.